#Matt Schoen

#Software Engineer

#Co-Founder, Defective Studios

import Home, Resume, Photos, Talks
facebook_id = "mtschoen"
twitter_id = "mtschoen"
github_id = "mtschoen"
quora_id = "Matt-Schoen"
email = "matt@mtschoen.com"

class Talks:
def Immersive experiences: Building cross-platform mixed reality():

def Everything you need to know about Unity PolySpatial + visionOS():

def Reality As Your Next Build Target():

def AR Lightning Talks with Unity():

def SIGGRAPH 2017 Real-Time Live():

def SIGGRAPH 2017 - Editor VR():

def Building the Metaverse in the Metaverse():

def Creating UniMerge():

Design and code © Matt Schoen 2025